Ever been in that cringe-worthy situation where you greet someone with a cheery "nice to meet you," only to be reminded that you've actually met before? I feel your pain! We're tackling this all-too-familiar social faux pas head-on in our latest discussion. There's a simple tweak in conversation that can save you from future embarrassment and even leave people feeling all the more appreciated. It's all about the power of saying "nice to see you" instead of "nice to meet you."
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Hey everyone, welcome back to Private Club Radio, where we go over any and all topics private club related, country club, city club, golf clubs, yacht clubs, athletic clubs, all the clubs. I have a question have you ever met someone and then they say we've met before? One of the worst things in the world to hear is we've met before it's happened. We've all said, hey, nice to meet you, and they say we've met before. Uh, it's the worst. So I have one simple fix to never have that happen again. And if you want to learn why I made this change, listen to the end. You're going to change one word Instead of saying nice to meet you, you're going to say nice to see you. Just that little tweak, that little change makes all the difference and it makes people feel better. It's a bit of a hard change. I still say me as well, but I often, as much as I can, try to say nice to see you. Whenever I meet someone and or see someone that I know already, I just try to make it a normal thing hey, great to see you, nice to see you. And just from being a fan of Gordon Ramsay, I know he says it as well. And here's the story why I don't like the phrase nice to meet you, little PTSD. Short story long, I was performing at a dinner for magicians and us magicians. Well, some of us performed for the magicians, after no, it's like surgeons watching surgeons doing surgery, but the people doing the surgery are not even in barely through college. At the end of the show, all the performers, all of us lined up in a row, people were coming by shaking hands after the show as people were leaving. And there was and that was the last one that people got to shake hands with, got to meet. There was this gentleman who was coming through the line and he was just at every single person, just seeing how excited he was and how much he enjoyed the show. And then he gets to me and he looks at me and he goes nice to meet you and just walks away. I think about that moment often lives in my head. Rent free, but one little simple, fun tweak. Take it for what it is. It's helped me over the years. If you found this helpful, share it with somebody who you think might also find it helpful, because any and all support helps us move our needle forward. Until next time, catch you on the flipity flip.