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Hey everyone, welcome to the Private Club Radio Show podcast.
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I'm your host, Denny Corby, coming to you from Tampa.
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The CMA World Conference, day two.
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Day one was amazing.
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Day two was just as good, if not better.
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Shout out to all of you Private Club Radio listener fans who have reached out, said hello.
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So great to meet and see so many of you.
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It's humbling as well to be just standing there or sitting somewhere and just having you come up and say hello and that you appreciate the show.
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I've had a couple people hear me talking and do like a double take and look at me and go.
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You're Private Club Radio, so really cool.
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If you do listen and you see me, please say hi.
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You can't miss the hair Now.
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I did not get to go to as many sessions as I would have liked.
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I was becoming a chatty Kathy.
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I was seeing some people hanging out having some really great conversations connecting with old friends, new friends.
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Now on day one there is a Marcom session with Victoria Burns from Members First, and Shanna Bright, private Clubs Online, and the session on day two that I don't want to say piggybacked off it, but they go a bit hand in hand.
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A little bit was Seussner talking about successful brands, a successful club brand and what that means Two of the takeaways that I took from it.
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There's plenty and everyone gets their own takeaways.
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I think that's what's cool about conference also is everyone has their own takeaways.
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But it was a club.
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Brands are the sum of all member experiences.
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I thought that was a great great line.
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And something else that they found with doing some data research was most referrals come from people's first five years of membership.
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I thought that was fascinating.
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And why is it?
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After five years does that go down?
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Is it because their circle doesn't really grow as much?
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So the people that they would invite in to come are kind of already in their circle and at that point your circle kind of remains the same.
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So I thought that was a fantastic bit there.
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There was more to it.
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It was an hour and a half session.
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I stayed for about 30 minutes or so.
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Then I went and saw my friend Gareth Macklin with Obi Software and talking about safety and clubs, and he did it with an insurance person as well and it was like one of these little breakout sessions there's like the main in the main rooms, and then there were sessions that were kind of held in the one lobby area kind of a little bit more informal conversations, and one of my favorite lines from that was everything is fine until it's not, especially when it comes to safety, and why clubs don't take safety more serious.
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One gentleman who was there said when he went into his club there was 35 fire extinguishers that were past due, that were expired.
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That's crazy.
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That's just something to think on there.
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And as you're thinking about things, as you're thinking about your club and you're thinking about the future of your club, what's important is who you let into your club.
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That's very important and a big thanks to some of our show partners.
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We have Kenis Member Vetting and if you are not properly vetting the applicants and people who are coming into your club, you're doing your club, you're doing your members a very big disservice.
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This is more than just a background check.
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This is fact checking, making sure the people who are coming into your club are who they say they are.
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If you'd like to learn more, head on over to membervettingcom, fill out the form and set up a confidential phone call with Paul Dank or someone from the team and while you're at it, make sure you check out some of our episodes here on Private Club Radio of member vetting.
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Uh, my favorite is talking about ghost accounts.
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Uh, which is they have the ability to find people's uh, ghost social media accounts, which are accounts that you know.
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It's user eight, five, six, three, two, or it's someone with like a weird name and a profile picture you know spreading hate speech or just being rude and saying horrible stuff.
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Um, that could potentially be one of your members or an applicant.
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And they don't always find it, there's not always a thing, but they can.
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They do some great stuff.
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So check out membervettingcom and, as you know, sometimes T-sheets can be an absolute nightmare Double bookings, clunky interfaces and enough spreadsheets to make your head spin.
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And your members just want to book and play without calling the pro shop, like it's 1999.
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And your staff?
00:04:27.081 --> 00:04:35.572
They need a system that doesn't make them want to throw a golf club through the window, and that's where our friends and show partners, members, first changes the game.
00:04:35.572 --> 00:04:40.348
They have the only web-based T-sheet that fully integrates with Jonas POS.
00:04:40.348 --> 00:04:47.470
No extra logins, no duplicate data, no wasted time, just a seamless, modern experience from booking to billing and a bonus.
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It's actually fun.
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They have built-in gamification, custom settings.
00:04:51.446 --> 00:04:54.112
That isn't just any tea time system.
00:04:54.112 --> 00:04:58.507
It's the one leading clubs like John's Island and Medina are switching to.
00:04:58.507 --> 00:05:02.324
Oh, and speaking of Medina, I have Chef Matt coming on soon.
00:05:02.324 --> 00:05:03.221
Can't wait for that.
00:05:03.221 --> 00:05:07.300
So if your club's still fighting with tea sheets that belong in a museum, it's time for an upgrade.
00:05:07.300 --> 00:05:08.944
See the future of Tea Times.
00:05:09.004 --> 00:05:10.987
Head on over to membersfirstcom.
00:05:10.987 --> 00:05:31.036
Slash T T-E-E Not justa letter T T-E-E and huge shout out to one of our new show partners, the Club Capital Group, who is the leading purchasing and supply chain consulting firm that specializes in servicing golf clubs, private clubs, country clubs, all over the country.
00:05:31.036 --> 00:05:34.786
There's no upfront fees, there's no hidden fees, there's no membership fees.
00:05:34.786 --> 00:05:35.764
It's just straight.
00:05:35.764 --> 00:05:41.031
Savings Clubs are seeing savings of anywhere from 10% to 30% of their bottom line.
00:05:41.031 --> 00:05:47.093
No BS, their extensive network of relationships holding over 140 billion in buying power.
00:05:47.093 --> 00:05:54.973
Gain immediate access to over 3,500 plus contracts with the best in class pricing on all the products and services you already purchase.
00:05:54.973 --> 00:06:02.685
If you want to learn more, head on over to clubcapitalgroupcom, fill out the form, let them know you heard about them through Private Club Radio and they'll hook it up.
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Now I got to do at conference today another intro for a friend of mine, chris Clues, who did a whole amazing session on everything you need to know about work, life and running your club.
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You can learn from 80s pop culture and it was a fantastic session I got to.
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It was just so good.
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Great lessons from the Breakfast Club, ghostbusters, the Goonies, so many good takeaways, so many good lessons and it was just fun.
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And that's what's cool about conferences you have club speakers, you have industry speakers and you have outside speakers, so gaining just different perspectives, different insights, just hearing from different people Some clubs, some managers, some people like outside perspectives or outside people coming in to talk, others don't.
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And that's why, also, there's different concurrent sessions going on as well, so people can pick and choose what they want to learn and what they want to take away.
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And that's the power of conferences.
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Everybody takes away something differently.
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Everyone's coming to conference for a different reason and they take things away the way that they want to.
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And that's the power of why we're here.
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That's the power of perspective and the power of networking coming together, um, but yeah, and then, uh, next thing, I knew it was uh, five o'clock and we had the cmaa before dark.
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I got to hang out there for a little bit.
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Uh, there was.
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That was neat over.
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Neat over how many thousands of people just hanging out outside listening to music having a good time.
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I was hanging out with my buddy, sean Blyle, and we saw some other friends and people.
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And then I went over to the Florida Chapter Social Hour, which was awesome.
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We got to hang out at American Social, which is where I had a little powwow of friends, clients, gms on Tuesday.
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So it was back there, but this time with the Florida chapter.
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It was great meeting and connecting with so many people.
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They had boat rides.
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That was a ton of fun.
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And then now getting ready for day three, which is not too many sessions A lot of these breakout informal sessions and the expo.
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So a lot of buying, a lot of more networking sessions and the expo, uh, so a lot of a lot of buying, a lot of more networking and uh, yeah.
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So that was day two.
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Day two is great.
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A lot of uh, a lot more sessions.
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They were longer sessions, um and same thing.
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Some people like those, some people didn't.
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Um, some people like a lot shorter.
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I'm I'm a big fan of like less than 60 minutes, like I like 30 to 30 minutes to an hour sessions.
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Some people like the longer ones, but no, all in all, great day two cannot wait for day three and day four more to come.
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Appreciate all of you listeners, appreciate everybody in the club space, appreciate some of our show partners for helping us get down here to conference.
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Ken is member vetting, membervettingcom members first and club capital group.
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That's this episode.
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I'm your host, danny Corby.
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Until next time, catch y'all on the flippity flip.